Father Joseph’s “Blessing and Sending of Schoenstatt Classroom Pilgrim Shrines” September 7 was attended by all the students at St. John Neuwmann Catholic Grade School located in Maryville, IL. Father Joseph Havrilka is currently the pastor of Mother of Perpetual Help in Maryville and the school’s current administrator.
It was a wonderful Catholic Grade School experience for the children and adults alike. Father Joseph went out of his way to make this a memorable occasion.
The children are to say the following prayer prepared by Father Joseph every school day:
Classroom Prayer to Mother Thrice Admirable of Schoenstatt
Dear Mother Mary, I want to be like you. Help me to think of Jesus in all I say and do. Make my hands more helpful as I work and play today. Help me to see the good in all people I meet this day. Open my ears to listen to those who care for me. Let my words be loving as you would have them be. Keep my heart pure, that, united with you and Jesus, my love may grow and grow. Amen.