Lord, have mercy on us Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us; Christ, hear us Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of heaven Have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world Have mercy on us
God, the Holy Spirit Have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God Have mercy on us
Holy Mary, Mother Thrice Admirable Pray for us
Mother and Queen of our Home Shrine:
A Nazareth Home – A Holy Family: Pray for us and form each member of our family in the image of St. Joseph, the Blessed Mother, and the Christ Child. (Fred and Chris)
Hunger for Love Everlasting: Pray for us and keep us focused in our desire to serve our Lord with your help and to achieve everlasting happiness in heaven. Mary, we have crowned you with the title Queen of Our Heart and Soul and ask you to join us, participate in our lives, and gently guide us in the right direction. (Norman and /Christine)
Mother and Queen of Our Family: Pray for us and take our family members by the hand & lead them down the path traced out for them by God, our Father. Dearest Mother, make of us another holy family – a community of love & life. (Marge, Keith, and Carol)
Mother Thrice Admirable Eucharistic Shrine, Mother Thrice Admirable Infinite Eucharistic Queen: Pray for us. Through YOU, we unite ourselves to JESUS and enter into Communion with HIM so HE may live in us and us in HIM – and receive the Miracles of HIS Infinite Eucharistic Love and Grace to
become HIS Holy and Perfect Eucharistic Children – CHRIST-Like and MARY-Like and reign with HIM and HER in Heaven forever and ever. Amen. (Susana)
My Way of Life – Queen Mother, Splendor of Heaven: Pray for us and be my
Guardian in all my endeavors and undertakings. Give me the confidence to dare to believe in the great friendship and unconditional Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Alicia)
Our Mother and Queen of Faith, Hope, and Love: Pray for us and continue to give us the grace of faith, hope, and love and have our family really recognize and to live this grace and do your Son’s will forever and ever. Amen. (Ida, Mario, and Sonia)
Our Mother & Queen, Our Perfect Prayer Partner: Pray for us and teach us as children at your knee to pray with our hearts. Take us deep into the heart of Jesus your Son. (Keith and Carol)
Queen of Love and Peace: Pray for us and may the Love and Peace of JESUS and MARY reign in our heart, mind, soul – our whole being always and radiate them to all HIS children to win all souls and reign with HIM eternally in Heaven. (Erlinda and Family)
Queen of Loving Peace: Pray for us and keep our 10 hearts joined together in loving peace with your heart Mary. From your heart in the Shrine, intercede the graces you know our hearts need to be able to fly heavenwards like the butterfly set free from its earthly struggles. May all of our hearts always know happiness and loving peace in, with, and for each other. Amen. (Paul and Margie)
Queen of Peace: Pray for us and grant us peace when we are troubled. In the midst of doubt, worry, stress, and sadness, please envelop us with your everlasting calmness. (Elsa, Tony, Anna, Ed, and Jenny)
The Cenacle: Pray for us and implore for us the Holy Spirit to free us from the scourge of half-heartedness, guide us to the teaching of Christ, and enkindle in us the spirit of the apostles and martyrs. Then our weak eyes of faith will be strengthened so that we might see life as God sees it and always walk by heaven’s light. (Susan)
Mother of Peace and Unity: Pray for us that we may live our life as you and our Redeemer have set for us within the Catholic Church. Transform our homes and all who dwell within or visit doing with us as you will. (Rose and Richard)
Mary Most Sweet, Comforter of the Afflicted and Refuge of Sinners: Pray for us that your most sweet fragrance may ever permeate our homes and emanate to the world, so that we may never fear approaching you and allow you to carry us to the tenderest of all loves found in the Sacred Heart of your Son. (Sarah)

The Nazareth Home Where Our Mother of Mercy Waits With Open Arms:
Ark of the Covenant:
Mother of Safe Harbors:
Queen conceived without original sin Pray for us
Queen assumed into heaven Pray for us
Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Pray for us
Queen of Peace Pray for us
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world Spare us, O Lord
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world Graciously hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God, You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God That we may be made worthy
of the promises of Christ
LET US PRAY: Dearest Mother Thrice Admirable, Queen and Victress of Schoenstatt, with all our hearts we venerate you above all the Angels and Saints in Heaven as the beloved Child of the Father, Mother of the Son, and Spouse of the Holy Spirit. We consecrate to you this day our eyes, our ears, our mouths, our hearts, our entire selves without reserve, beseeching you to obtain for us from the most Holy Triune God, all the graces we need for our salvation.